IS A GHOST ENGINE ALIVE? IS IT RELATABLE? Christian TeBordo weaves between narratives in search of the answer in his latest collection of stories, Ghost Engine, a Bridge Eight Press Fiction Prize Winner. You'll learn from a convicted murderer why the rainbow is the most insidious of all metals. Fashion designer Gordon Gartrelle adapts to his identity as fashion designer Gordon Gartrelle. Frag and Watt take turns with a wrench, hoping to assemble something that just might work, if only for a moment. From scenes of chilling hilarity to an underlying absurdity, Ghost Engine finds a way to keep the haunt alive long after you've finished reading.
"Make no mistake: Ghost Engine is original to its bones. TeBordo's prose hits as hard as a hammer, his characters haunt your dreams. The satire never tires and somehow you wind up laughing and loving every page you turn."
- TOM WILLIAMS, author of Among the Wild Mulattos
"Given that we live in so bizarre a multiverse, these brilliant, irreverent, ingenious stories may seem impolite at times. Vicious. Disturbing. The book may cause you to laugh out loud at something you'd rather not admit you find funny, or bring tears to your eyes on behalf of a character you'd rather not admit you find human--it might hurt your feelings--but Ghost Engine loves you. Ghost Engine only hopes for the best for you. All that Ghost Engine really wants, in the end, is to see you smile that pretty smile of yours while it sets your house on fire."
- CAMILLE BORDAS, author of How to Behave in a Crowd
"TeBordo speaks to the troubling light and the comforting darkness of our present situation. He writes from the core of our shared junkheap and excavates beauty, buries it again, breaks it out anew."
- JUAN MARTINEZ, author of Best Worst American