"Gidget and the Family Tree" is a touching children's book that delves into the concept of family and the diverse forms it can take. While Gidget resides with her loving grandparents, Mina and Papa Sprocket, she finds herself pondering the meaning of parents when she receives a letter from school regarding Parents Day.
Gidget looked around for grandmother. She found her in the kitchen making dinner. Mina looked up at her smiling and wiped her hand..
"Mina," she hesitated, "are you my parents? I mean, I know you're my
grandparent, but is that the same thing?"
Mina sat down and patted the chair beside her, motioning for Gidget to sit down.
Parents can be moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, adoptive families, foster families, or friends. They love, care, and help you grow. They guide you, teach you right from wrong, cheer you on in your adventures and love you through the not-so-great days. That is what makes a parent.