This book will help facilitators empower gifted and talented teens to enhance their strengths and discover opportunities for growth.
Gifted and talented teens often have physical, emotional, and social challenges. They are exposed to an ever widening, diversified, and sometimes scary world. All adolescents may feel insecure, test boundaries, feel peer pressure, and wonder about their futures. Gifted and talented teens struggle with these same issues. They may excel in one or more area and struggle in others.
A User-Friendly Resource
Educators and counselors of gifted and talented teens, mental health professionals, and facilitators in virtually any setting will find this resource tailored to the strengths and needs of their clients.
The Facilitator's Possibilities page at the end of each activity suggests ways to present the exercise(s) as well as follow-up possibilities. Each handout can stand alone or a chapter can become a series of sessions or a workshop.
Age and Ability Appropriate
Activities are for gifted and talented teens, and are adaptable to individual or group exercises, whether facilitator led or used as self-directed learning.
Chapter Descriptions