God's Tender Mercies offers hope that a lost and obscure soul can recognize, embrace, and be transformed by the marvelous work and wonder that is the restored gospel. As we progress through this vulnerably personal narrative, we see a directionless boy become a man of profound faith. From his reading of, and response to, a single book, we see an intellectually lethargic teen experience authentic conversion and become one whose vision has influenced the global Church. Dave's story is a remarkable one and he is a master storyteller. This combination provides a feast. And yet, as we are continually reminded, the center of this history is not Dave but the Father of us all. At its core, this work is an account of a Heavenly Father who relentlessly seeks after one of His children through the dark veil that enshrouds this world until He finds him, saves him, and blesses him beyond measure. It is a story of grace, challenge, growth, and redemption. It is a sacred narrative that has blessed my life and urged me to more clearly recognize "the hand of the Giver" as He spreads His tender mercies on each one of us.--Loren Marks, BYU School of Family Life and co-Director of the American Families of Faith Research Project