We are at a time of great change, a time when the old 'normal' has disappeared. The great transition that we are undergoing collectively is a dark night of the soul. It's a time when the anchors of our life are ripped away and we find ourselves adrift in a world lacking meaning and safety. To come out of the dark night we need a new set of values, which are life-sustaining and based on love and health of all beings.
Against this background Good Morning Henry addresses how we can recognize the causes of our difficulties, implement solutions and experience healing. Fortunately, each of us has a precious helper inside us to assist. This consciousness sometimes is called "the inner body" or "body elemental". Tanis Helliwell calls it "the body intelligence" or Henry and demonstrates with humor, spiritual wisdom and mystical ability how to co-create with your own body intelligence for deep healing and self-transformation. REVIEWS FOR GOOD MORNING HENRY: "Good Morning Henry is a revelation!! It brings together in the most practical and humorous of ways teachings that I have seen in other places. BUT- never in such an accessible and easy to understand way. I can't WAIT to tell my community about this book. The world is SO ready for it." - Christiane Northrup, MD Multiple New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies and Women's Wisdom "Good Morning Henry is the work of an ancient time-traveler who is at home within the labyrinth of the timeless truth. ...This is not just inspiring but is also a highly useful book, rooted in the body, the earth and in everyday life...Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, Good Morning Henry will help you to take the next step." - Richard Rudd, author Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA "It's my daily business to treat and heal people going through the deep night of the soul...Tanis' new book is a light in the night and an important guide on the journey, to contact the wisdom, experience and wellness of the body for deeper healing and transformation. This important book supports all people to whom a new medicine, and understanding of the human body and of its' healing power is important." - Christian Schopper, MD/MHBA, neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, medicine VAOAS Zurich and lecturer University of Zurich. "This rare and revelatory gem offers direct insight into universal consciousness to restore innermost connection with yourself, the earth and all that lives on her. This book is a powerful invitation to open your heart to healing wisdom teachings from within and demands to be read again and again." - Prajnaparamita, non-dual spiritual teacher, www.prajnaparamita.nl "Soooo brilliant! Good Morning Henry is an endless source of extraordinary perceptions of the multi-level reality of human life. Tanis Helliwell's writing style is so dynamic, captivating, clear and yet abounds with humour and joy as her conversations with Henry helps the reader to reflect and contemplate his or her life." - Marielle Croft, astrologer and advanced astrology teacher