The purpose of the Gratitude & Success Journal is to give the reader an easy-to-follow, step-by-step, daily program that helps develop positive change.
It is a guide to train the mind to:
Attract more wealth, health, happiness, love and success. Create new positive energy and vibration. Focus on, and appreciate all the magical things in life. Form and develop new positive neural pathways. Mindfully be in the moment and appreciate the abundance that surrounds us.The chapters cover: Love, Career & Success, Happiness, Health & Wellness and Inspiration.
Each day, the reader will have empowering questions that will trigger their mind to deliver empowering answers.
The daily visualisations will guide the mind and create a rich blueprint for the subconscious to manifest into reality. Where attention goes, energy flows. The mind doesn't know the difference between what is real or imagined - so when we imagine our ideal future, our subconscious believes it and takes us towards that reality.
The Affirmations will keep the reader on track as to what they want to be, do or have. The repetition is key to attaining the perfect outcome.
All the exercises in the journal allow the reader to exercise their 'gratitude muscle' which in turn attracts more positive experiences into their world. One cannot feel gratitude AND anxiety at the same time.
This journal will not only facilitate but also enhance anyone's journey of change.
Following these blissful daily rituals will fast-track a sense of passion, positive-expectation and empowerment.