Peterson's Guide to Joining the Military
Author Scott A. Ostrow retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Lt. Colonel after a long and distinguished history of dedication to military service and a commitment to education.
This guide covers topics like:
women in the military, details on opportunities available within all branches of the military, what to expect from a military career, information on joining the national guard and reserve, coverage of the ASVAB examination, details on the physical exam and background investigation, basic training facts (daily schedules, training regimens and physical conditioning)The author offers insider advice on which branch of the military is right for you as well as expert tips on how to score high on the ASVAB exam. This volume also includes recommendations on working with a recruiter and surviving basic training.
Peterson's Guide to Joining the Military tells you how to prepare for the ASVAB exam, what to expect after enlisting, and military basics, including benefits and opportunities.