Ringing with the showbiz sass of its Jule Styne/Stephen Sondheim score, the film version of the Broadway hit Gypsy takes you on a grand vaudeville tour. It sweeps you up in the roller-coaster relationship of Louise (Natalie Wood), the wallflower later to blossom into sophisticated...
Loosely based on the memoirs of world-renowned striptease artist Gypsy Rose Lee, Gypsy follows the journey of the irrepressible Rose (Imelda Staunton, Vera Drake), the mother to end all stage mothers, as she balances the challenges of parenthood with the joys and heartbreaks...
Loosely based on the memoirs of world-renowned striptease artist Gypsy Rose Lee, Gypsy follows the journey of the irrepressible Rose (Imelda Staunton, Vera Drake), the mother to end all stage mothers, as she balances the challenges of parenthood with the joys and heartbreaks...