About Seudat Mashiach:
The Seudat Mashiach is structured around the sharing of four cups of wine. Each cup conveys a theme of the Seder: Sanctification, Anticipation, Redemption, and Praise.The celebration of a Seudat Mashiach/Messiah's Feast was begun by the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidic Judaism. It is designed to be a concluding meal of Pesach. It was taught that the first seder of Passover celebrates the redemption 'from Egypt, the final meal of Passover is to be a celebration of the final redemption to be brought by King Messiah".
For followers of Yeshua, this night holds extra meaning because we know the identity of King Messiah, that He is Yeshua, our Righteous Redeemer who has come once to atone for sin and we now earnestly await His glorious return to reign as King of Israel and Ruler of the Nations and bring to fulfillment all the words of the Prophets.
In this celebration we will tell the story of the prophetic anticipation for Messiah, the coming of Messiah as the Suffering Servant and look to the coronation of King Messiah when He returns, this will be a night of honoring and glorifying King Messiah in all its excitement, using symbolic props, dialogue, songs, and poetry.