Halloween has not always been the occasion for confections, costumes, and cunning tricks that it is today. Halloween: Romantic Art and Customs of Yesteryear is a colorful and exciting celebration of Halloween past. The book artfully blends narrative and old-fashioned poems, prose, and chants with eye-catching images of vintage ephemera and fanciful illustrations. Halloweens of the early-twentieth century were occasions for hopeful romantics to try their fate in love, with a variety of soothsaying games and revels. Festive occasions often included "Ducking for Apples," "Blowing out Lighted Candles," and "Cutting the Flour Cake." The years from 1900 to 1918 are also considered the "Golden Age of Postcards a time when lavishly designed and printed cards were exchanged at every available occasion. Halloween cards were extremely popular, full of all the vivid imagery of the occasion, and are much sought-after collector's items today.