Learn advanced design patterns and support NoSQL databases
If you're a database designer or software engineer who uses NoSQL, this book can help you expand your knowledge. Learn advanced design patterns, grasp the performance implications of design choices, and prepare to support large-scale NoSQL databases in production. Hands-On NoSQL: A Practical Guide to Design and Implementation with Technical Case Studies provides detailed descriptions of design patterns and discusses why certain patterns are chosen. Design choices are discussed in reference to their limitations as well as their effects on implemented features. Case studies in the book highlight NoSQL databases, demonstrate how they're used, and address the challenges of operating them in production environments.
You'll find unique insights and examples within Hands-On NoSQL. The authors focus on three NoSQL data models, looking at when to use each database type, each model's design advantages and disadvantages, and what design patterns to utilize in each model.
See descriptions of NoSQL database models Read about design patterns used by experienced data modelers and architects Gain practical advice on choosing a NoSQL system type Get guidance on code implementations and queries View examples of how to interact with the databaseHands-On NoSQL also offers in-depth examinations of specialized forms of NoSQL querying and filtering. It is suitable for undergraduate and graduate courses in advanced database design.Get practical, applicable advice and expand your ability to support NoSQL databases with this educational guide.