Did they ever mess with the wrong college girl.
When 19-year-old fencing star Hannah Radhe is raped by a sadistic football player at her elite Boston school, like many she dreams of killing her rapist-especially when Dean Haughton dismisses yet another allegation to protect the team. But no one expects her to do it with a brilliant perfect crime: a clockwork scheme involving a sharpened sword, an iron-clad alibi of being aboard the Amtrak 100 miles away, and a baffling murder scene where the cops find a little audio recorder, one with the power to blow the lid on the college's whitewash of sexual assault in its athletic program. Now Hannah has the dogged (and dangerously likeable) Detective Cowley on her tracks, even as that recording stirs up a Boston hornets nest and Haughton puts old-boy pressure on the police to make audio, and girl, disappear. Can Cowley solve her Amtrak alibi? Or will he sympathize with the unlikely feminist avenger, as even from prison she sharpens her wits for her last desperate gambit against the million-dollar silencing of campus rape?