Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility. All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible...
The beloved first book of the Harry Potter series, now fully illustrated by award-winning artist Jim Kay. For the first time, J.K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter books will be presented in lavishly illustrated full-color editions. Award-winning artist Jim Kay...
A dazzling new edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, fully illustrated in brilliant color and featuring exclusive interactive paper craft elements, including a foldout Hogwarts letter and more In this stunning new edition of...
Harry Potter spent ten long years living with Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, an aunt and uncle whose outrageous favoritism of their perfectly awful son Dudley leads to some of the most inspired dark comedy since Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. But fortunately for Harry, he's about...
Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal es el primer volumen de la ya cl?sica serie de novelas fant?sticas de la autora brit?nica J.K. Rowling.
«Con las manos temblorosas, Harry le dio la vuelta al sobre y vio un sello de lacre p?rpura con un escudo de armas:...
Sum rgete en la edici n especial pop-up de Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. Instalado en casa de la horrible familia Dursley, en el n mero 4 de Privet Drive, donde duerme en una alacena bajo la escalera y a los once a os nunca ha celebrado su cumplea os, la magia...
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible...
A special new edition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, with a stunning new cover illustration by Caldecott Medalist Brian Selznick. Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring...
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, o nummer fower, Privet Loan, were prood tae say that they were gey normal, thank ye awfie muckle. They were the lest fowk ye wid jalouse wid be taigled up wi onythin unco or ferlie, because they jist widnae hae onythin tae dae wi joukery packery like yon...
Essential reading for Classics scholars the world over J.K. Rowling's masterpiece Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is available in Ancient Greek. Students of Classics will delight in Andrew Wilson's sparkling translation, which perfectly captures the wit and invention...