This book was amazingly helpful to me in remembering much of what I had forgotten from my own past lives on Venus and in Ancient Egypt. For that I am very grateful. The Hathors have begun coming in to help with the advanced level of the new form of energy medicine called EDINA that I am channeling from another ascended race of beings, The Ankenash, who are from the star we refer to as Sirius-B. They also wish to help us...
The Hathor Material is a wonderful journey into: knowing ourselves as multi-dimensional beings, honoring all aspects of our innate humanness with many very practical approaches to raising personal and planetary consciousness. Deeply inspiring, a transmission of energy and Light.
"The Hathors" are a collective entity of 10 beings - from a 4th dimensional civilization of several million - who have interest in bringing this particular body of information to us, as they believe it will assist us with ascension. Having been through the process themselves, they recognize that it is not easy and wish to help. They originally come from another universe but have relocated to Venus. They've been in touch with...
This is a very gifted book created through the channelings of Tom Kenyon an exciting individual in his own right. The Hathors explain the emotional body and the healing of places in our hearts and mind through their knowledge. The work is an adventure into why we feel the way we do and how to make changes in ways that seem right the minute you read it. The Hathors are fifth demensional beings that have answers for you and...
This book seemed to ring true to me. Some of the ideas presented were a little hard to digest and understand, but well worth the effort. If you would like an overview of lifes workings then this might be one of the books your looking for.