This book is an amazing self-improvement resource; only rarely does a book impress me, but... I'm impressed! Hartmann has an extremely engaging writing style, and displays great deftness in walking a very narrow path; most books gravitate toward either theories that are interesting but engender no action, or strident calls to action that would do a nagging parent proud. Instead, his phrases twist, and turn, and *slide* through...
This is a marvelous book. It's readable, full of real-world, useful systems and techniques to heal from the woundings of growing up with ADHD. This is *not* the book that recommends shooting up kids with expensive, radioactive, cancer-causing substances to "scan" their brains: that's a later book by (oddly coincidentally) the same title. Instead, this book by groundbreaking author Hartmann provides practical, solid, and...
This remarkable book not only offers one of the most cogent insights into ADHD (see the earlier long review a few back), and does address "attention" at length (in fact, it's all about how we attend, and to what, and in what ways), but it's also one of the best introductions to the use of NLP as a way of healing from the damage of growing up a Hunter in a Farmer's world. Filled with practical, real-world exercises and techniques,...
Five stars is all I can give this book in this format. It actually deserves a constellation.It was hard to wait until I had finished this book to send a letter (well, an e-mail) of thanks to Thom Hartmann for not only explaining what ADD is but for his instructions on how to deal personally with some of the obstacles it presents. I am a person who has ADD, but when I was a child in the 1950's no one knew about the disorder...
This book offers practical exercises that will change the wayeducators look at ADD as well as how they work with theirstudents. The suggestions and exercises in the book were helpful, notonly to my ADD students but to all my students. It offers a healingpeaceful way to relate to and assist students in the classroom. Wish Ihad read it years ago. The class met each new exercise with a realsense of adventure and discovery, taking...