Break Free from Religion and Live by Faith
"A proper understanding of our New Covenant as explained in Hebrews is essential to a victorious Christian life." -- Andrew Wommack
The book of Hebrews was written to bring New Testament believers out of relating to God through the Law and transition them into pleasing the Lord by faith. These truths will usher you into a new relationship where your identity is in Jesus and what He has already done for you.
In Hebrews: Living in a New Covenant Reality, Andrew Wommack has compiled decades of personal study notes from his Living Commentary. You will find hundreds of insightful truths to give you a firm understanding of living by faith as Andrew shares:
The difference between the old and new covenantsThe sufficiency of Jesus' sacrifice for our sinExperiencing victory in this life through JesusIf Hebrews isn't one of your favorite books in the New Testament, the commentary notes in this book will open these tremendous revelations to you in a way you've never seen before