The entire Hector Reborn Saga in one epic volume!
Prince Hector, the greatest defending warrior in the epic Trojan War, is brutally slain by his nemesis Achilles... And finds himself reborn in an astounding new realm. Traumatised by separation from his family, nation and world, Hector finds it hard to accept the prospect of a new life. His rigid codes of honour and loyalty make him feel he has abandoned his war-ravaged home. The beautiful Elsha of the Nemalite people, introduces him to an Elysium of kindness, harmony and magic, where living gods can walk among mortals. The Trojan Prince is enraptured by his new friend and the apparent miracles around him, and at first believes this world is perfect. He gradually learns of a grotesque force which holds the Nemalites under a thrall of fear and hopelessness. Hector cannot stand by and watch the horrors around him - he acts to save his new friends... But the result of his efforts is not peace, rather the unleashing of a menace that plunges Elysium into hellish turmoil. Guilty of the murder of innocents and hated by his companions, Hector fights to curtail the disaster he has caused. Against him stands an army of Shaltine - supernatural warriors which exude an aura of Fear, rendering all opponents helpless. Countless lives, both on Elysium and back on Hector's home world, are threatened by a fate far worse than death. And amid all the chaos, desperation and destruction, there awaits a malevolent revelation for Hector... Something so awful it may destroy Hector's sanity before it takes his life. Reviews from this author's fantasy releases: ...for the Hector Reborn saga: