Help Your Dog by Joe Hoffman
This book is a complete guide to help you identify and treat your dog's skin allergies. Is your dog always itchy? Does he scratch himself incessantly and lose patches of his fur? Find out all the answers to your dog's ailments in this helpful book. Everything from causes of canine skin diseases or disorders to types, diagnosis and treatment, this book has it all Your beloved pet and companion deserves the best care possible, this is why Joe Hoffman also made sure to include natural and organic treatments for your canine.
My philosophy is: ''one of the greatest gifts you can grant your dog is making sure they're healthy and well cared for'. Getting a dog is a responsibility. Taking care of your dog is vital, not only for its well-being but also that of your families. Humans are not immune to the diseases our pets carry. Examples like swine flu are an unfortunate reminder of that. I wrote this book as a guide to treat your dog with the love and respect they deserve. Since dogs age faster than people there are significant changes in their health in a short span of time. With this book I aim to guide you through different ways to identify, diagnose and treat your dog effectively and economically. Your dog requires all sorts of investments, but in the end it's definitely worth it."
In this book you will learn what exactly allergies are and why they are caused. This has several reasons. Mainly it could be due to the fact that your dog has inherited the condition, has a weak immune system or has developed a sensitivity towards certain substances in its environment. People mostly react to allergens that usually have nasal and / or chest symptoms, whereas dogs react with skin and / or intestinal problems. This is due to the fact that there is a high concentration of mast cells which release histamines and other vasoactive substances when faced with challenging allergies on the skins of dogs. These problems become apparent when you observe a substandard coat texture or hair length, chewing and itching, self-injury and hotspots, intestinal pain and discomfort, flatulence and diarrhea. Allergies can also play a role in chronic ear infections. The most common causes of canine allergen dermatitis are food allergies, flea allergies, contact or inhalant allergies, as well as allergies to bacterial flowers and yeast on the skin. To make things more difficult to diagnose and treat, thyroid disease can also add to the problem.
In order to overcome these difficult symptoms, your vet needs to be systematic and thorough. Shortcuts usually will not yield results and will only add to the owner's frustration and the canine's suffering. Therefore be sure to consult your vet should you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above. An allergy towards any substance should not be taken lightly and must be promptly dealt with for the comfort and safety of your beloved companion.