Each year, 3,000 children and young people between the ages of 1 and 19, die as a result of illness or accident.Around 5% of children will have experienced the death of a parent by the time they are 16. Statistics indicate that up to 70% of schools have a bereaved pupil in their care at any given time.
Helping Children Think about Bereavement
provides a four part differentiated story and activities to help normalise death and allow children to develop emotional literacy to talk about it. The author, along with Child Bereavement UK have devised activities and guidance for teachers on how to use the story to develop children's emotional literacy and prepare them for bereavement, whether it affects them personally or through a friend's bereavement. This book also offers support for teachers and parents outlining how children's understanding of death develops and what can be helpful in supporting bereaved children.The story is presented at different levels:
for children aged 9-11 for children aged 7 -9 for children aged 5-7 for children who speak English as a Second Language for children in Early Years or with Learning DifficultiesDetails surrounding death and its aftermath are not always readily talked about or well handled. When it does happen, children need to be able to express themselves and know that their feelings are a normal part of grieving. This book is an invaluable resource for all key stage one and two teachers, teaching assistants and anyone who is involved in bereavement training.