Why are we here on planet earth?
It is the destiny of all creation to reach a condition of universal oneness with the creator continually growing toward that common ideal. The cycle of change every where about him and he turns to evolution, but while he is here, man has been given dominion, he is the legitimate keeper of the cosmos for the duration with a mandate to protect and nurture all of those other worlds that may temporarily serve his evolving needs and to become an active participant in the ruling of the universe through his gradual mastery of the universal laws. Now, since there must be a law to everything in creation, it established the universal laws before lighting the big banger or speaking the word that set it all into motion. First, A Big Bang unseen, unheard, yet some what credible to scientists every where as the most acceptable creation theory ever.
Who are we? Man in his original state, or permanent conscious is soul, with a spiritual body like unto the maker and here in the flesh the soul is the God part in us. Flesh provides the testing portion for the soul, for the souls original Transgression was the descent into the flesh- form in the beginning as was commanded.