Why don't Hindus eat beef? Why do Hindu women wear a dot on their forehead? Who is the Monkey God? Who's that God with the elephant head? Children can ask the weirdest of questions and sometimes it's difficult to tell them the answers to these questions. The reality is that even the adults don't know the answers to many of these questions. The fact is, Hinduism is a complex religion even to those who are born Hindus. This book covers a complex religion in simple questions and answers.
'Hinduism For Kids: Beliefs And Practices' is designed mainly for children of all ages of reading abilities for all nationalities and religious beliefs. The book can be used by non-Hindu parents who want to teach their children about Hinduism, its beliefs, practices and rituals. It will also be useful to children and adults alike who are considering taking a course on Hinduism or simply those who want to learn about Hinduism. Those thinking of visiting India especially those in pursuit of spirituality will find some of the answers in this book. Finally, parents of Hindu children who want to teach their children about their ancestral religion will also find the book useful.
Here are the topics covered in 'Hinduism For Kids: Beliefs And Practices
What is Hinduism?