Militant Islamic fundamentalists blame the ills of their societies on the West, calling for the overthrow of local governments and the resumption of Jihad against the Infidels. Ambassador Hoveyda explores the historical and contemporary causes of the current wave of militant Islamic fundamentalism. If Western colonization and economic domination of the 19th and 20th centuries are to be blamed for the predicament of Muslim countries, Hoveyda asserts that Muslims also bear a great responsibility for their situation.
This book shows how the triumph of fundamentalist interpretations of the Koran in the 12th century triggered the gradual decline of Islamic civilization and chronicles the history of militant Islamic movements, from the Assassins of the late 11th century to the reign of Ayatollah Khomeini. It shows why, despite their terrorist attacks in the West, fundamentalists are even more dangerous for Muslim countries that are desperately trying to catch up with the global economy to alleviate their accumulated social and economic problems. Hoveyda draws upon a lifetime of experience, as well as scholarship and the experiences of others, to provide an important insider/outsider examination of a worldwide concern.Related Subjects