Abridged editionIt had never been done before. Not in 4000 years of Japanese recorded history had anyone followed the Cherry Blossom Front from one end of the country to the other. Nor had anyone hitchhiked the length of Japan. But, heady on sakura and sake, Will Ferguson bet...
Take a humorist from the Great White North -- one part Bob and Doug McKenzie, the other Bill Bryson -- feed him lots of sake, and set him loose hitchhiking his way through polite Japanese society. The result is one of the warmest and funniest travelogues you've read. It had never...
Originally published as Hokkaido Highway Blues, with limited distribution in Canada, Will Ferguson's classic book about Japan, for all fans of the bestselling Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw. With the same fervour they have for outlandish game shows and tiny...