Europe has changed, not only because of the refugee flows of 2015, but first and foremost because of a fundamental political change of climate. The hopes that many had associated with a united and free Europe have given way to fears and insecurity, which in many cases have opened the door to populism and nationalism right up into the heart of government. Instead of hope, pessimism prevails inmany cases today, and fear shapes the social climate.
But Schirrmacher writes: "Hope is typical for Christians" and "Hope creates real future". These two examples show that the author's 66 theses have lost none of their relevance, and that it is perhaps even more important today that Christians reappraise the biblical-theological basis of their hope.
It ismy hope that this book about hope will contribute to a better and biblically founded understanding of hope.
Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann, President of the European Evangelical Alliance