Tom Holland is the Senior Reseach Fellow at Union School of Theology, Oxford. For over forty years he has researched the influence the Jewish Passover and the promises made to those exiled in Babylon of a Second Exodus given through Israel's prophets. This focus has become known as Paschal New Exodus Theology, Paschal being the Hebrew word for Passover. These two details had profound effects on the Jewish community and they are the key to understanding the NT as a whole, but Paul's letters especially. After being awarded his PhD Tom Holland went on to supervise a team of a dozen scholars who researched aspects of Paschal New Exodus Theology and its influence on the writers of the New Testament. He brings the fruit of this extensive research to the Christian public in this volume.
Tom Holland's Romans is truly both biblical and theological as the letter is set firmly in its unfolding canonical context. Holland shows how Romans contributes to our understanding of God's covenant arrangement with humankind. The commentary digs deep into current scholarship on the Old Testament roots of Paul's teaching, yet presents its conclusions in accessible language.
Prof Douglas Moo. Blanchard Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College.
Tom Holland's study demonstrates how a deeper understanding of the Old Testament and particularly of its prophesied new exodus can illumine Paul's theology of the person and work of Christ in profound ways. Here one will find scholarship that is not only solid and faithful, thorough and yet accessible - in short, scholarship in the service of the church.
Prof L. Michael Morales, PhD., Professor of Biblical Studies, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Greenville, USA
Tom's commentary invites readers to break away from fixed ideas and journey to new places. It is informed, scholarly, rich in exegetical insights, yet easy to understand. Tom argues for a reading of Romans that is tied to the Old Testament Scriptures, rooted in Isaiah, is Christ centred and communally focused. I highly recommend it for pilgrims seeking to know God more.
Dr Murray Lawson. President of Scripture Union Canada
As a layperson, I found this book totally fascinating and written in a style that is straightforward, yet at the same time profoundly challenging to my previously held views on the book of Romans. His reasoning behind the corporate reading of Romans is logical and entirely convincing. This book is a joy to read and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants a fuller understanding of this important epistle.
Roy Harries, Wales.