I absolutely loved this book! I shared it with my other horsey friends and they got a total kick out of it! Beautiful horses, tons of truth about men and great storyline! Fantastic story, and I wish there were more books out there like this!
This is one of the most hysterical books I've ever read. I thought it was so funny I had to e-mail the author to tell her what great laughs she had given me. (She has another book coming out in June.)My husband read it first, on an airplane, and I was reading over his shoulder and we were hooting out loud. We are trail-riding horse people, but not dressage riders. If you know anything about horses at all,whatever your "discipline,"...
This is a fabulous book written by an author that I hope writes many more horsey novels! If you're a woman who has stood in a barn, just inhaling the smells of horse sweat & manure---and smiled with glee--you will definitely find yourself grinning, cheering, and laughing out loud at the delightful characters & plot twists & turns. It taps into the woman's psyche ( & all the cattiness we live in) so beautifully and...
For anyone who has ever loved horses, or wondered why it is women love horses, HORSEPLAY is a must read. Judy Singer's style is fresh and new, and so funny that at times I had tears running down my face. The characters brought back my own not-so-distant stable days, when horses and trainers and competitive riders (and nasty Jack Russell terriers!) in a dusty barn made up the only world that mattered. Especially enjoyable...
This book is a quick read which is disappointing because you will want the book to go on and on. It's funny and the dialogue is witty. It will make you laugh and cry. It's everything a book should be. I only hope Ms. Singer writes a sequel.