I personnally have not read this book. It was a gift to my son in-law. However, he LOVES it.
I had no idea he was on NPR. When my neighbor loaned me Horseshoes, Cowsocks and Duckfeet I was a long time getting around to picking it up. When I did it was only because I knew I needed to be able to tell the neighbor I had done so (out of courtesy).I'm glad I did read it. Black probably isn't for everyone. There's a body of experience required to understand the point of his anecdotes and laugh at his humor. If you...
I have heard Baxter Black on the radio for years and I finally bought one of his books(I plan to buy more). Well, it was worth every one of the 60 miles I had to travel to purchase it. His stories or poems are truly laugh out loud. I liked the story about the cowboy trying to do his laundry and getting in an accident and his truck caught fire and a box of ammo was in the truck. He writes about everyday happenings that happen...