This charming trio of chapters implicitly testifies to the adage that opposites attract. -- Publishers Weekly Catina wants to be a famous writer. Houndsley is an excellent cook. Catina thinks Houndsley is a wonder. Houndsley thinks Catina is a very good friend. So what should Houndsley say about Catina's seventy-four-chapter memoir? And can Catina find the right words of comfort for Houndsley after the big cooking contest fiasco? The subtle dance of friendship -- from holding your tongue to knowing what to say -- is played out in three sweetly humorous tales about an unlikely, likable pair.
A favorite series all around at our house. I love the lessons it teaches, my daughter loves the story and pictures...and the fact that she is reading a chapter book.
Also available as paperback/CD, hardcover/cassette, and paperback/cassette editions
Published by User , 18 years ago
A premier publisher of audio book adaptations of children's picturebooks, Live Oak Media has produced audio editions of an outstanding title by author James Howe and illustrator Marie-Louise Gay. "Houndsley and Catina" is the story of Catina the cat who wants to be a successful writer, while Houndsley the dog is a rather good cook who aspires to winning an important cooking contest. While the two of them seek fame, they find that having a good friend is an even better reward for doing what they love to do and are so very good at. In addition to being available as a hardcover/CD combination, this outstanding and highly recommended title is also available as paperback/CD, hardcover/cassette, and paperback/cassette editions.
Two best friends. Three short chapters.
Published by User , 18 years ago
An easy chapter book about friends. Backed up with colorful illustrations by Mary-Louise Gay. (I often wonder what secret income allows characters such as Houndsley and Catrina to live their lives of contentment, but never mind.) Don't miss out on Howe's Bunnicula novels. And, if you like this title, you will also enjoy the Arnold Lobel books.
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