When the first edition of this book was released, there were only 40 screenplay contests to enter. Today there are over 150 legitimate screenwriting competitions across the U.S. Entering screenplay contests is the best and most affordable way to get a screenplay noticed, optioned, sold, and ultimately produced. Guaranteed prizes, beatable odds-minimal investment for maximum return! Learn the odds of winning. This book contains...
I am very pleased to offer this total screenwriter's guidebook. Nearly everything the beginning screenwriter needs is here. It's packed full of updated info and resources. Good luck to all the writers--enter the contests, heed the expert advice, and keep writing!
For the price of this book, there isn't a lot of information presented here. But the author, Erik Joseph, does at least provide an overview of what to expect when entering a screenplay contest.The first part of the book describes structuring. I was skeptical about this section in particular since I've seen some great screenwriting books devoted to this. And, the author doesn't really go much into structure but scratch...
Erik's book organizes the contests in a manner which allow writers to submit to the ones which seem most appropriate. Specific contests are described; including info on guidelines, fees, and number of people who submit each year. He even projects odds of winning for each.