If you've always wanted to uncover the secrets To Influence People and discover how the environment affects our brain development, then keep reading
We are all influenced every single day of our life's by Positive and well as the Negative...
Look at your smartphone, listen to people around you. They mostly talk either about bad things which are happening or what was said on the news.
Influencing people requires you to have a certain power over them.
In this guide, you will learn:
The Principles of Persuasion and how use them in daily lifeThe difference between influence and manipulationThe tools and techniques used to influence people's behaviorTips that help you to become a better friend, a better parent, a better partner, better businessman or women, outlining the beliefs or mental habits that one person should cultivate to use successful negotiation methods in daily life situations.
The book goes further to give ways of handling the emotions of other people and invokes emotional intelligence competencies to help safely navigate challenging emotions such as anger exhibited by a friend. Closely related to this, the guide helps the reader understand the attributes of manipulators as well as give recommendations for handling manipulators. The following chapters capture all these developments.
- Ethically dealing with other people's emotions.
- Tips and checklist to spot and stop manipulators.
- How to detect deception
We all agree that influencing people requires one to exude confidence and there is an entire chapter dedicated to ways of increasing self-esteem. Having a requisite threshold of self-esteem also helps one avoiding being manipulated. In the last two chapters, the book gives examples of manipulation in real life and a guide to handling bullying behavior.
- Tips and workout to increase self-esteem to avoid being manipulated
- Manipulation in daily life and explaining how to defend from it
- A guide to dealing with bullying behavior
Start today to discover the secrets of mental manipulation
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