Sentencing guidelines impose tough penalties for health and safety and environmental offences: how can you avoid them?
The introduction of the sentencing guidelines in February 2016 has seen health and safety prosecutions treble, particularly in relation to corporate manslaughter, with tougher penalties imposed and fines exceeding 20 million being handed down. With fines having a detrimental effect on both turnover and reputation, how can companies protect themselves? HSE and Environment Agency Prosecution: The New Climate is an accessible reference work that provides guidance to ensure that companies have the correct, stringent risk management and procedures in place in order to protect themselves against exposure to such fines. Through the use of worked cases studies, checklists and charts the expert advice provided is put into context, whether you are a practitioner needing to advise your client, a company director, an in-house lawyer, or a health and safety professional. Split into four sections, this new title covers: