This book is a compilation of prophetic words, illustrations, and script from the heart of God as our Father to our hearts as His children. This is the day God's voice is going to be heard above the voice of evil. This book salutes the truth that God is not dead but alive with ears that hear, eyes that see, and power and authority to heal, deliver, and make nations tremble. The intent of I Am Amidst You Now is to be a launching pad to destiny and freedom.
Penny McCoy went from being a world champion and "Pretty Penny" in alpine skiing at the age of sixteen to experiencing heartbreak and worldwide humiliation in the following Olympics. This sent Penny into a tailspin of brokenness, affecting every area of her life. She took on an identity of "Ugly Duckling," making wrong choice after choice, leading to a life of failure, heartbreak, and loss. Penny is now a vibrant vessel fulfilling her God-breathed destiny by sharing God the Father's heart of life, freedom, healing, faithfulness, and unfailing love through her gifts and talents. It is her hope the captive is set free and the broken become whole so they can be who God created them to be and do what God created them to do.