Impartial, modern, and friendly, this book introduces readers to the civilization and culture of Latin America-- from the most obscure beginnings to the present--and at the same time provides them with opportunities to improve their listening, speaking and writing skills. Comprehensive and chronological in approach, it offers well-researched coverage that goes beyond historical facts to include aspects of modern interest, sociology, economy, politics, philosophy, literature, arts, and communication. It covers the traditions in all of Spanish America--"Mesoamerica" and the Caribbean, as well as South America. It uses a rich and formal vocabulary, including new words recently incorporated into Spanish. Cultural glosses or footnotes, written in Spanish, provide explanations, if necessary. Iberoam rica Aborigen: Los protagonistas y su escenario; Las principales culturas indias; Iberoam ica Colonial: El descubrimiento y la conquista; La colonizaci n y la cultura; El Brasil colonial; Iberoam rica Independiente: La independencia, la ilustraci n y el caudillismo; La organizaci n de las naciones: El romanticismo y el positivismo; Siglo XX: En busca del nuevo orden; La actualidad: Pol tica y religi n; La econom a; Sociedad y educaci n; La literatura; Las artes, el teatro, el cine y la comunicaci n; Brasil imperial y Brasil republicano. For anyone interested in the Spanish language and Latin American Civilization.