From my perspective, virtually every definition of friendship I've read is nothing more than a hypothesis that we, as social creatures, have been taught to accept.
If friendship existed, it would be identical to unconditional love for a single person or group of people. But the essence of love is just that.
Returning to the term "friendship," there is no such thing in reality. Whoever society has conditioned us to use as a justification for not being able to care for and love ourselves.
The unpalatable fact is that every person you consider a friend is nothing more than an acquaintance or an association that benefits both of you somehow.
Although it can be challenging, I believe the only time "genuine friendship" should be used is when a person can be their best friend.
Apart from your own family, keep in mind that no one on earth loves you more than you should love yourself.
When friendship is extended beyond a person's immediate family, it merely consists of a series of pointless emotional and financial transactions.
I didn't just wake up with the determination to be my best friend. I tried to bond with people, but it didn't work out. As easy as calling someone a friend is for some people, I find it extremely difficult.
Lots of times, I feel I'm the bad guy. Like I have a behavior that makes me unable to build genuine friendships with anyone. It could even be depressing sometimes.
Left to me, everyone should rely on themselves alone. If siblings can go to the extent of killing one another (as in the story of Cain and Abel), what then should be expected of the stranger you call your friend? Friendship is overrated!
I write this book to let you know that there's life outside of friendship. You shouldn't feel less of yourself because some humans don't want you in their group. Most people write about friendship as though it's what your success depends on, but I tell you, it's all a lie. You are responsible for your success. Friends are liars and will always be jealous of everything you have. If you think they aren't jealous, why can't you share every detail of your life with them? We're humans; it's normal for an inch of jealousy to find its way to our hearts when we see people get what we desire but can't have. And the scary part is if your friend can't completely deal with that jealousy, you will be in danger someday.
Since this is not the perfect section for my story, join me as I break it into different chapters for better understanding. This book is based on my experience with people, which I'll express through storytelling. And if you have experienced something similar, kindly leave a review. I'll also be adding some of the opinions gotten from people on their view of friendship.
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