A green nose. How silly, thought Punchinello. It wouldn't make him faster, stronger, or even smarter. It would only make him greener--and make him look just like all the other Wemmicks Why would he want that when he knows Eli made each of them different for a reason? But...
From the heart of author Max Lucado, once again we're off on a new adventure into the wonderful world of Wemmicksville. Our faithful Wemmick, Punchinello, along with his close Wemmick friends, Lucinda and Twiggy discover an imortant lesson: that changing their appearance to fit...
A green nose. It's the latest fad. But it would only make Punchinello greener--just like all the other Wemmicks! Why would he want that when he knows Eli made each of them different for a reason?