The leaders of my fellowship chose this book to supplement our Evangelistic training it was a very good decision and very enjoyable book to read that's a fast easy read that is inspirational a remember only one of the disciples got out of the boat we think about he took his eyes off Christ and began to sink but he did get out of the boat and that's all the Lord wants us to do to have the courage in the face to get out of the...
This is one of the BEST written Leaders Guide - even the most in experienced facilitator can use this guide and lead a group with a GREAT study. Six months later my group is saying - if you don't get out of the boat....
This book is both challenging and entertaining! If you liked The Purpose Driven Life I think you'll find this takes your faith to yet another level! Lends itself to both individual and group study.
This is the best book you can read. I used this book for a book study and not only did the participants enjoy it, so did I. this is a must read!!
The weekly men's breakfast and Bible study that I lead spent an enjoyable six weeks examining how following Jesus today requires the same faith that allowed Peter to step out of the relative safety of the boat and move toward Jesus on the water. If you or the people you care about need encouragement in moving out of the comfort zone, this book will help.