Part I: Imaging Gene Expression and RNA Dynamics in Cells and Organisms
1. High-Throughput Fluorescence-Based Screen to Identify Factors Involved in Nuclear Receptor Recruitment to Response Elements
Tina B. Miranda, Ty C. Voss, and Gordon L. Hager
2. Live-Cell Imaging Combined with Immunofluorescence, RNA, or DNA FISH to Study the Nuclear Dynamics and Expression of the X-Inactivation Center
Tim Pollex, Tristan Piolot, and Edith Heard
3. Single Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Samir Rahman and Daniel Zenklusen
4. Measuring Transcription Dynamics in Living Cells Using Fluctuation Analysis
Matthew L. Ferguson and Daniel R. Larson
5. Tracking Nuclear Poly(A) RNA Movement Within and Among Speckle Nuclear Bodies and the Surrounding Nucleoplasm
Joan C. Ritland Politz and Thoru Pederson
6. Nuclear Trafficking and Export of Single, Native mRNPs in Chironomus tentans Salivary Gland Cells
Tim P. Kaminski, Jan-Hendrik Spille, Claudio Nietzel, Jan Peter Siebrasse, and Ulrich Kubitscheck
7. Single mRNP Tracking in Living Mammalian Cells
Alon Kalo, Pinhas Kafri, and Yaron Shav-Tal
8. Imaging Nascent RNA Dynamics in Dictyostelium
Jonathan R. Chubb, Michelle Stevense, Danielle Cannon, Tetsuya Muramoto, and Adam Corrigan
Part II: Imaging the Genome and Chromatin Dynamics
9. Monitoring Dynamic Binding of Chromatin Proteins In Vivo by Single Molecule Tracking
Davide Mazza, Sourav Ganguly, and James G. McNally
10. Single Particle Tracking for Studying the Dynamic Properties of Genomic Regions in Live Cells
Irena Bronshtein Berger, Eldad Kepten, and Yuval Garini
11. Microscopic Analysis of Chromatin Localization and Dynamics in C. elegans
Christian Lanct?t and Peter Meister
12. Measuring the Dynamics of Chromatin Proteins During Differentiation
Arigela Harikumar and Eran Meshorer
13. Electron Spectroscopic Tomography of Specific Chromatin Domains
Liron Even-Faitelson, Eden Fussner, Ren Li, Mike Strauss, and David P. Bazett-Jones
14. BAC Manipulations for Making BAC Transgene Arrays
Nimish Khanna, Qian Bian, Matt Plutz, and Andrew S. Belmont
Part III: Imaging Nuclear Processes and Sub-Nuclear Structures
15. Spatio-Temporal Visualization of DNA Replication Dynamics
Marius Reinhart, Corella S. Casas-Delucchi, and M. Cristina Cardoso
16. The Dynamics of DNA Damage Repair and Transcription
Niraj M. Shanbhag and Roger A. Greenberg
17. Fluorescence Microscopy-Based High-Throughput Screening for Factors Involved in Gene Silencing
Sebastian Bultmann and Heinrich Leonhardt
18. Actin as a Model for the Study of Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling and Nuclear Dynamics
Kari-Pekka Skarp and Maria K. Vartiainen
19. Isochronal Visualization of Transcription and Proteasomal Proteolysis in Cell Culture or in the Model Organism, Caenorhabditis elegan
Anna von Mikecz and Andrea Scharf
20. Considering Discrete Protein Pools When Measuring the Dynamics of Nuclear Membrane Proteins
Nikolaj Zuleger, David A. Kelly, and Eric C. Schirmer
21. Correlative Microscopy of Individual Cells: Sequential Application of Microscopic Systems with Increasing Resolution to Study the Nuclear Landscape
Barbara H?bner, Thomas Cremer, and J?rgen Neumann
22. Time-Lapse, Photo-Activation, and Photo-Bleac
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