Two weeks ago, I logged my first failure as an Oracle. Two days ago, I learned that magic is a fickle thing. Two hours ago, I unleashed a posse of the undead.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. Not only did I need to figure out how to free Nina, I had a new consultant. Double booked is an understatement. Now, I must discover why Hazel Dane, one of the most stressed out--and most impolite--consultants I've ever had is cursed. Or enchanted. Or something. She doesn't know. Neither do I. Which is kind of a problem. I'm also not sleeping--hello, guilt-inducing-gargoyle on my front porch anyone? It's probably one more symptom of menopause, but if I don't get some sleep, someone's going to die. Which was interesting, as zombies just showed up on my front porch, trying to break down the front porch. Maybe I spoke too soon.A paranormal women's fiction romance with a feisty heroine in serious midlife crisis, a talking tattoo, a chain-smoking ghost in a housedress, and an adventure that proves you're never too old to start over from USA Today Bestselling author Lisa Manifold.
The Oracle of Wynter
Hexes & Hot Flashes
Magic & Menopause
Necromancy & Night Sweats
Hoodoo & Hair Loss
Incantations & Insomnia
Witchery & Weight Gain
Charms & Chin Hairs
Grimoire & Gum Disease
Familiars & Fine Lines
Mystics & Migraines
Occult & Osteoporosis
Conjuring & Crying Spells
Tarot & Toe Tingles
Prequel: Samhain & Stretch Marks