In this book, you will read about the journey of three individual souls toward Eternity through reincarnation. Along their path, these souls will cross each other's lives. There will be many repetitions and similarities in the stories, with some events recurring in dreams. You will read about love, patriotism, mysticism, d j vu experiences, the meeting of kindred souls, dream journeys, reflections on the meaning of life, and much more. Some moments described here are tied to real events but do not correspond to historical truth. I deliberately did not specify the countries or nationalities of the characters because, in God's eyes, all people are equal as His creations. Nevertheless, from certain details, you will be able to identify the countries where certain events took place. Once I realized that life is cyclical, I decided to close that circle with the third book. Thus, the final lines of the book will take you back to its beginning.
I hope you will enjoy this book. Perhaps it will help you find answers to some questions you have not yet resolved. Do not judge me harshly for my vision. It is mine and mine alone. I wish you a pleasant time with "Infinity".