"Hello I'm Dana Williams may I speak with a Roger Haskell? She asked. The receptionist looked as if scanning a schedule. "Roger is in the field right now would you like to leave a message? Handing her a pen and pad on which to write. "No that won't be necessary" Dana responded getting ready to leave. "Hello " Dana turned to see the man from the dance place coming from a wide hallway a few feet away. "Arthur He said with a grin, we met in Portland, Saturday night, "I'm just headed out to lunch, have you been helped? "Oh, she came in looking for Roger The receptionist replied sarcastically while laughing. "I told her he was in the field." Roger? He repeated candidly looking up with his eyes, is there something I can help you with, I'm his brother-in-law dearie? He smiled mocking her. He had saw them together in the dance place and that's why Roger wanted to leave in such a hurry. Dana had the picture now Hurt and trembling inside she voiced "he left this at my house" tossing the briefcase on the floor at his feet to the condescending man. "Dearie you're not the first, my sister puts up with Roger, she thinks he'll change' isn't that right sis? And they have four children and another on the way." Dana looked at the receptionist now standing pointing at her very large belly. "He's not going anywhere our family owns this business, he affirmed with a smirk. Dana stood frozen. She didn't know why she was still standing there listening to this weasel of a man with her friend Mollie waiting in the car. "Look, Arthur said, "chalk it up to a lesson learned" and turned around and started walking back down the hall with the briefcase. "Oh, and dearie, I'll see that he gets it He yelled holding up the briefcase in the air as Dana huffed and hurried out of the building's door.