550 Instant Pot Recipes For Everyday Cooking On A Budget
Do you want to make great recipes for yourself and family using the Instant Pot?
Do you own an instant pot, plan to buy one but don't have a clue of how to use it?
This book "INSTANT POT COOKBOOK #2020" contains over 550 recipes that can be made using the instant pot and other electric pressure cookers.
The recipes are quick and easy to make. Healthy, delicious and mostly ONE POT. Meaning you do not need a sauce pan, the grill, or any other conventional cooker/equipment to complete most of them. This saves you the time used for washing. As you'll have just your instant pot electric pressure cooker and at most one bowl to wash after cooking. Isn't that amazing? Your kitchen is kept clean from spills, smells and all the mess from conventional cookers. Adding more numbers to the minutes saved in the end.
This is the ONE Instant Pot Cookbook you need to master your Instant Pot pressure cooker with lots of interesting easy to cook meals for healthy living. It's a must have for every mum and every kitchen as there is definitely something in it for everyone.
In this instant pot cookbook, you will discover...
You will get to discover lots of recipes for your Instant Pot than you can ever imagine. The book is perfect for beginners and advanced users. With a complete how to guide covering the instant pot basics to make cooking with the IP quick, easy and fun. Step up from being a novice to an expert and get the most out of your instant pot with the tones of everyday, budget friendly recipes packed in this book.
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This instant pot cookbook is a great gift idea for a loved one, wife or mum to help master the instant pot and cook great meals