Paul David Tripp's masterpiece on ministry will transform how you view yourself and engage with others. God radically changes people, and he offers us the opportunity--and the ability, by his power--to be involved in that change. We can live not just as grateful objects of his...
Nous serions peut- tre soulag s si nous apprenions que Dieu a donn des sp cialistes comp tents le soin de nous faire progresser dans la sanctification, mais il en a d cid autrement. En effet, l' glise tend vers la maturit en Christ gr ce l'exercice du minist re de tous...
We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands of trained professionals, but that is not his plan. Instead, through the ministry of every part of the body, the whole church will mature in Christ. Paul David Tripp helps us discover where change is needed...