This update of Breyfogle's time-tested tale of the 'Golfing Buddies' is a great introduction to the principles of Six Sigma. Read the Appendix! It provides answers to the most basic questions about Six Sigma, including a great 'How To' section for deployment in your organization.
This is an excellent book which is very easy book to read. It is about some golfing friends who talk about real life issues that face many businesses today. The book reviews how the IEE process that Forrest developed can be used to make big improvements in the way a business is managed. This is a must read for everyone!
As the Master Black Belt for my organization, I provide Volume 1 to all new Champions, Black Belts and Green Belts to read before they attend a workshop. I always receive positive feedback on how well the book introduces these new students to the program.
Forrest Breyfogle picks up where Eli Goldratt (The Goal) left off. With a simple story and powerful concepts Breyfogle walks the reader to a solid understanding of the value of an integrated approach to Continuous Improvement. Read this book and understand why so many are frustrated with their improvement initiatives; and why a balanced and integrated approach is the right approach to continuously improving your companies...
This story is about improving the performance of an enterprise through the Integrated Enterprise Excellence methodology via a golf outing. It is a great way to be introduced to Breyfogle's business performance wisdom. He is a recognized leader in applying Lean and Six Sigma principles and practices to improve the performance of any enterprise. This story is an extremely readable and understandable introduction to these...