For more than 30 years, International Trauma Life Support has been at the forefront of trauma education at all levels of emergency care worldwide. This complete reference is filled with practical, hands-on training that guides readers through the hows and whys behind all of the skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. Updated with the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this Eighth Edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR. This new edition continues ITLS's tradition of excellence to ensure learners get the most out of the few minutes they have to save their patients' lives.
KEY TOPICS: Scene Size-up; Trauma Assessment and Management; Assessment Skills; Airway Management; Airway Skills; Thoracic Trauma; Thoracic Trauma Skills; Shock; Vascular Access Skills; Head Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury; Spinal Trauma and Patient-Centered Spinal Motion Restriction; Spine Management Skills; Abdominal Trauma; Extremity Trauma; Extremity Trauma Skills; Burns; Pediatric Trauma; Geriatric Trauma; Trauma in Pregnancy; The Impaired Patient; Trauma Arrest; Standard Precautions and Transmission-Based Precautions
MARKET: This title is intended for use in basic trauma life support courses.