The industry's leading resource for Internet routing solutions and scenarios
Explore the functions, attributes, and applications of BGP-4, the de facto interdomain routing protocol, through practical scenarios and configuration examples Learn the contemporary Internet structure and understand how to evaluate a service provider in dealing with routing and connectivity issues Master the addressing techniques--including Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)--that are demanded today to facilitate the Internet's rapid and continuing growth Develop optimal routing policies--redundancy, traffic balancing, symmetry, and stability--for your network Learn how to seamlessly integrate your intradomain and interdomain routing and manage large and growing autonomous systemsInternet Routing Architectures, Second Edition, explores the ins and outs of interdomain routing network designs with emphasis on BGP-4 (Border Gateway Protocol Version 4)--the de facto interdomain routing protocol.
Using a practical, example-oriented approach, this comprehensive resource provides you with real solutions for ISP connectivity issues. You will learn how to integrate your network on the global Internet and discover how to build large-scale autonomous systems. You will also learn to control expansion of interior routing protocols using BGP-4, design sound and stable networks, configure the required policies using Cisco IOS Software, and explore routing practices and rules on the Internet.
If you are looking for a book describing all the things which need to be taken care of when planning and implementing BGP then you will appreciate this book.Mr Halabi provides a lot of example set-ups which are, for the people working in the Internet networking industry, very familiar. The examples range from a typical customer who wants BGP connectivity to multi-customer and international backbone configurations.Aside from...
I am the architect of a leading MPLS VPN service which uses BGPv4 with MPLS extensions. I constantly refer back to this book for standard BGP scenarios (it has no MPLS VPN info). I have recommended this book to all our techincal support people and our customers for designing BGP peering networks.The book is well written, well organized and easy to follow. It has great breath of BGP applications. It is a tremendous help...
Halabi's book is the BGP equivalent of Doyle's "Routing TCP/IP, Vol. 1". Without reading this book, I never would have understood BGP and the implications of interdomain routing. I also recommend Radia Perlman's "Interconnections, 2nd Ed."
The book was very easy to read for a networking literate individual. The book builds up to advanced topics and walks you through sample configurations. I now feel confident about my knowledge of BGP.
This is, without a doubt, *the* definitive routing reference for the network engineer; and one of the best technical books I have ever read. I usually skip to the back and pick out the parts that interest me; I'm reading this from start to finish, it's that well written. If you need to integrate your LAN with the internet, or if you are a network consultant or ISP tech like me, you need this book. This is required reading.<P...