Introducci n a la Teolog a Cristiana Anal tica responde a cuestiones como Qu es la Teolog a Anal tica? Cu les son sus caracter sticas "accidentales" y cu les sus atributos "esenciales"? A d nde se dirige? Tomar -o deber tomar- alguna direcci n previsible? Esta introducci n inicia a quienes no son especialistas en la teolog a anal tica dejando claro tanto lo que no es como lo que s es. El objetivo de la teolog a anal tica no es la eliminaci n de todo misterio, no podemos confundir misterio con la incoherencia l gica. McCall explica la conexi n entre la teolog a anal tica y las Escrituras, entre tradici n cristiana y cultura. Sin duda un libro que interesar a todo creyente apasionado por el estudio de las escrituras.
Este libro te ayudar a:
Profundizar en el estudio de la teolog a.Identificar qu es lo que hace que la teolog a anal tica sea anal tica. Comprender qu hace que la teolog a anal tica sea realmente teolog a.Aprender las bases de la teolog a anal tica.Encontrar las conexiones de la teolog a anal tica con las Escrituras, la tradici n cristiana y la cultura.Fortalecer su crecimiento personal, intelectual y espiritual.An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology
An Invitation to Analytical Christian Theology answers questions such as What is Analytical Theology? What are its "accidental" characteristics and What are its "essential" attributes? Where is it headed? Will it take - or should it take - some foreseeable direction? This introduction initiates those who are not specialists in analytic theology by making clear both what is not and what it is. The goal of analytic theology is not the elimination of all mystery, we cannot confuse mystery with logical incoherence. McCall explains the connection between analytical theology and Scripture, between Christian tradition and culture. Without a doubt, this is a book that will be of interest to every believer passionate about the study of the scriptures. This book will help you to:
Deepen the study of theology.Identify what makes analytic theology analytical.Understand what makes analytic theology real theology.Learn the basics of analytical theology.Find the connections of analytical theology with Scripture, Christian tradition, and culture.Strengthen your personal, intellectual, and spiritual growth.