Introducci?n a la Teolog?a del Nuevo mundo de Oscar Garc?a Johnson es el primer volumen de siete de la serie Teolog?a del Nuevo Mundo del mismo autor.
Este libro es el primer volumen, de una serie de siete vol?menes, que tiene como objetivo introducir la visi?n general de la teolog?a del Nuevo Mundo y su ubicaci?n social y cognitiva. Tambi?n, busca proveer el lenguaje y la metodolog?a del quehacer teol?gico del Nuevo Mundo.
Contiene cinco cap?tulos que podr?an considerarse avenidas principales:
El primer cap?tulo, autobiogr?fico, po?tico, disruptivo, provocativo y sint?ticoEl segundo cap?tulo, expositivo y anal?tico que busca documentar la problem?tica continental desde los fen?menos religiosos y pol?ticos en el Sur Global AmericanoEl cap?tulo 3 nos lleva a la interrogaci?n decolonial y busca documentar las tendencias que surgen de espaciosEl cap?tulo 4 nos lleva a la pregunta por qu? no se ha producido una teolog?a sistem?tica propia del Sur Global Americano?El cap?tulo 5 se considera como la presentaci?n formal de la teolog?a del Nuevo Mundo.Introduction to New World Theology
Introduction to New World Theology by Oscar Garcia Johnson is the first volume of seven in the New World Theology series by the same author.
This book is the first volume of a seven-volume series that aims to introduce the overview of New World theology and its social and cognitive location. It also seeks to provide the language and methodology of New World theology.
It contains five chapters that could be considered main avenues.
The first chapter is autobiographical, poetic, disruptive, provocative, and synthetic, and trends that we all have and many of us do not even realize it.
The second chapter is more expository and analytical and seeks to document the continental problematic from the religious and political phenomena intertwined in that marvelous space that I call the American Global South.
Chapter 3 takes us to the decolonial interrogation, to the heart of the matter, and seeks to document the tendencies that emerge from spaces that have been created by the global South.
Chapter 4 leads us to the question why has there been no systematic theology of the American Global South of its own? It provides results of ethnographic studies with academic audiences and millennial leaders from both continental spaces, Latin America and the United States.
Chapter 5 can be considered the formal presentation of New World theology. It includes the argumentation of the theological project, its agenda, a basic terminology and then an outline of the trans-Western theological method. It proposes a New American rhizomatic modality that seeks to overcome the cognitive and ethical, theoretical and practical deficiencies of Northwestern systematics.