First, before you start your engine, write down the words, "good attitude scan" and tape them inside your vehicle, where you can read them, so as to get your mind into the proper safe-driving attitude before starting your vehicle. Older and beginning drivers need to be in a safe-driving mind-set when entering the automated environment. While in the automated environment, people need to be thinking about being aware of the numerous potential vulnerabilities that surround them at the immediate moment A good message to put on the dashboard would be, "Turn off the cell phone. It is now vulnerability count time "
Using a safe-driving scan process is a mental awareness necessity while driving; do not start your engine without using it. A person needs to keep a continuous focus relating to the potential vulnerabilities within their driving environment. What will enable the driver to be continually aware will be their thoughts relating to potential vulnerabilities that could occur. Being aware of the potential hazards that could happen will help you to become a better and safer driver.