A guidebook to 21 days walks and 1 multi-day trek in the Sibillini National Park. Exploring the beautiful scenery of Italy's Apennines, the routes are suitable for walkers of all abilities and are perfect for walking April through October.
Day walks range from 3-21km (2-13 miles) and can be walked in 2-7 hours The 8-day, 120km (75 mile) Grande Anello dei Sibillini trek is described Key centres include Amandola, Balzo, Castelluccio, Norcia, Nursia, Preci, Castelsantangelo, Visso, Ancona, Pescara, Perugia Highlights include Monte Vettore, Monte Sibilla, Piano Grande, Monte Bove Sketch mapping is included for each stage Detailed information on planning, accommodation and amenities