Discovering ways to practice Judaism every day can change our lives. Here is the book to begin the journey. It's a Mitzvah is a rare commodity: a practical book to change your spiritual life. Rabbi Artson provides everything we need to begin and sustain a religious journey. This is a marvelous book written by a teacher who deeply understands not only the Jewish tradition, but the needs of those exploring this ancient wisdom and rich heritage.
Ahavat Tziyon: Zionism and IsraelBal Tash'hit: Preserving the EarthBikkur Holim: Visiting the SickHakhnasat Orhim: HospitalityKashrut: The Dietary LawsKibbud Av va-Em: Honoring ParentsMa'akhil R'evim: Feeding the HungryPidyon Sh'vuyim: Redeeming the CaptivesRodef Shalom: Seeking PeaceShabbat: Day of Rest and RenewalSh'mirat ha-Lashon: Guarding Your TongueTalmud Torah: Study and LearningTefillah: Prayer, Tallit, Tefilin, MezuzahTeshuvah: Repentance and TurningTza'ar Ba'alei Hayyim: Compassion to Animals